
Showing posts from August, 2021


 Continuous Integration using Jenkins What we’ll cover? Create and assign role to user Create first job Install Plugins in Jenkins JDK configuration in Jenkins Maven Configuration in Jenkins Configure GitHub with Jenkins Create Jenkins Job to take latest code from GitHub Execute Jenkins Job when ever a push request is triggered in GitHub Q&A Assignment:  Create a user in Jenkins  Configure Maven in Jenkins  Configure JDK in Jenkins  Create a Job which will be responsible to pull the latest code from GitHub and execute it.  Modified the file and commit it to GitHub to check Jenkins job got triggered automatically or not.


 Continuous Integration using Jenkins What we’ll cover? Introduction to CI Introduction to Jenkins History of Jenkins Pros and Cons of using Jenkins JDK installation Maven Installation Install and Configure Tomcat Jenkins's installation in Windows Jenkins's installation in Linux Create user in Jenkins Q&A Continuous Integration Continuous Integration is a development practice that requires developers to integrate code into a shared repository at regular intervals. This concept was meant to remove the problem of finding later occurrence of issues in the build lifecycle. Continuous integration requires the developers to have frequent builds. The common practice is that whenever a code commit occurs, a build should be triggered. Why Jenkins? Jenkin is the most popular, open-source Continuous Integration tool. It has tons of plugins that enhance its functionality. Jenkins is an open-source automation tool written in Java programming language that allows continuous integration. ...


 What we’ll cover? Git intro & Installation Git Introduction Git Installation on Linux Download & Install Git on Windows Key Git Terminology Git installation doubt clear (Student machine) Git Quick Start Configure User Information in Git Create First Git Repository (Local Workspace) First Git Commit Adding Files and GIT Logs Understanding of Git Workflow Q&A What is Git? Git is an Open-Source Distributed Version Control System. It is designed for Speed Simplicity Fully Distributed Excellent support for parallel development, support for hundreds of parallel branches. Integrity History of Git Git was developed by Linus Torvalds, creator of Linux Operating System. Git was developed when the relationship between the existing Version Control System (BitKeeper) and Linux team broke. Installation GIT is open source and can be installed on all major OS. Windows Mac Linux   Stages in Git Life Cycle Files in a Git project have various stages like...


  What we’ll cover? What is DevOps? Where did DevOps come from? What problems led to the creation of DevOps? How DevOps different from traditional IT and Agile? 7 signs that shows you need DevOps DevOps stages and tools Roles, Responsibility and skills of a DevOps engineer Future of DevOps Q&A What is DevOps? * DevOps is a software development approach with the help of which you can develop superior quality software quickly and with more reliability. It consists of various stages such as continuous development, continuous integration, continuous testing, continuous deployment, and continuous monitoring. * The term DevOps is a combination of two words namely Development and Operations. DevOps is a practice that allows a single team to manage the entire application development life cycle, that is, development, testing, deployment, and monitoring. * The ultimate goal of DevOps is to decrease the duration of the system’s development life cycle while delivering features, fixes, and...


  Explore GitHub Create Centralized Repository in GitHub Add existing project to GitHub Setup Authentication in Local and GitHub Git Clone Git Push and Git Pull Basics of Git Branches Create Git Branches Merge Git Branches Fork GitHub existing project Delete Git Branch Q&A > Explore GitHub GitHub is a Git repository hosting service, but it adds many of its own features. While Git is a command line tool, GitHub provides a Web-based graphical interface. It also provides access control and several collaboration features, such as a wikis and basic task management tools for every project. The flagship functionality of GitHub is “forking” – copying a repository from one user’s account to another. Three features – fork, pull request and merge – are what make GitHub so powerful. The fundamental software that underpins GitHub is Git itself, written by Linus Torvalds, creator of Linux. The additional software that provides the GitHub user interface was written using...